

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Bear Hunt by Colten (fiction story with a non-fiction information page at the end)

Dad can I go on a bear hunt. No. Why dad why.
Because it is too dangerous.
Uuuuu okay.  It is bedtime.
Ok dad good night.  Good night.

I got to go on that bear hunt.  (idea) I will jump out the window.

I will be doing that bear hunt in no time.

(singing) I am going on a bear hunt.
I am going on a bear hunt.

There it is the bear cave.
I hope I get lucky.

Is anybody home?

Ohhhh!  Roar roar roar!

Oh!  I think I lost him.
Maybe I should of listened to my dad.

Information about bears.
Bears are brown.
They eat meat.
They hibernate.
They have huge claws.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Drawing people in our writing

We can draw pictures of  people in our writing.  We are learning to add clothing and details to our people and not just draw stick figures.  Color adds interest too.


Spelling words for next week: candy, went, sent, take, like, puppy, time, didn't, by, my

In math, we have been doing separating stories (subtraction word problems, comparing stories (more or fewer), and related facts or fact families.

In reading, we have been working on choosing just right books.  There is an excellent illustration of this in the post directly below. Check it out!

Thank you for sending in snacks.  We probably have enough stocked up for about 2 weeks.  Having a little snack really helps get through the long mornings.

Upcoming events:

Sept. 5 – No school – Labor Day
Sept. 8 – Open House 6-7:30 and Book Fair

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Just Right Books

We've been talking about choosing "just right" books when we are shopping for books to read in the classroom and at the library.  Just right books are:

not too easy and not too hard

looks interesting

I can understand it

use the 5 finger rule (if I find 5 or more words on a page I don't know it is too hard)

Here are some visuals we used to help us.

(too small shirt)
This book is too easy.
I know all the words
and can read it very easily.
I may have read it
LOTS of times already.
I won't challenge myself
as a reader much with
this book.

(fits just right shirt)
This book is "just right"!
I know most of the words.
I may stumble on a few as
I read but I understand
what the book is about.
I am interested in this book!

(too big shirt)
This book is too hard.
I might be interested
in it, but it is too big and has
several words I do not
know (5 or more on a page)
I are not sure I
understood what the
author was telling me
when I got to the bottom
of a page.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Our Writing Notebooks

We had a writing notebook decorating party on Monday.  It was a blast!  We brought pictures and stickers from home and also cut some out of magazines at school.  Everyone has made their notebooks "their own" by putting on special things that make them happy and remind them of some things they can write about.  Super work, writers!

Monday, August 22, 2011

More readers reading

 Here are some more readers practicing their skills during reading practice time.  They are really settled in for a long, comfortable read!  Some are reading independently, some are reading with a buddy.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Things readers do

Readers look at their books.
Readers get comfortable.
Readers sometimes use tools
to help them keep their place.
Readers stay focused and
read quietly.

      We worked really hard at reading practice time today on some of the behaviors we have observed readers doing.  We are also building our stamina by reading a little longer each day.  Super job, guys!