

Friday, March 30, 2012

Limbo Laney!

We made signs to support Laney during the limbo contest today.  We even cheered for her all the way down the hall to the gym.  Good job today, Laney!  Way to go!

March Slice of Life Challenge

Check out our class sticker chart for the challenge! Can you believe how many of us wrote every day? Even on weekends! Super job, writers! Now that the challenge is over, keep writing!

Newsletter, 3-30-12

        Don't forget!  We will be taking our spelling tests on Thursday each week now through the end of the year.  Don't forget to practice your words!

Friday was Beach Day!  Laney was our representative in the limbo contest and she did a great job!

Congratulations to our class on their hard work on the March Slice of Life challenge!  We had many students who wrote everyday – even on weekends!  Those that wrote almost everyday received a reward.  Those that didn't miss a single day got an extra bonus!  I encourage students to keep writing everyday now that they have developed the habit!

Spelling words for the week of April 9:
undo  unjust  unload  unpack unsafe  form  shore  horse  board  word  are  favorite  more  
they're (they are)

Upcoming events:
April 2-6 - Spring Break
April 9 – school resumes
April 23- Grandparent's Day – lunch – Book fair – art fair
Music program for grade 1 in gym at noon
Music program for grades 2 & 3 7:00 pm in gym
More info to come on these events later
April 24 – PTO meeting at 5:30 pm

Easter Reader's Theater

   We have been practicing an Easter reader's theater all week.  We made pencil topper puppets and today Mrs. Nelson loaned us her puppet theater for our performances!

Jordan, Delan, Macy, Mandy, and Ian

Colten, Jeb, Ryleigh, and Laney

Nola, Chloe, and Breanna

Heather, Julia, Connor, Jalen,
and Lysa
Jayden, Kail, and Courtney

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Beach Day on Friday!

        Don't forget Friday is Beach day!  Wear brightly colored clothes, a hat or sunglasses, and bring a towel to lay on through the day.  The all school limbo contest starts at 1:45.  Come see it!  Laney is our class representative.  We wish her good luck!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Spelling test change

We are going to start taking spelling tests on Thursday.  This is the first week for the change and this will carry through the end of the year.  I sent home an additional list Monday explaining the change.  Don't forget to practice for Thursday!

Monday, March 26, 2012


Click for live streaming of Decorah Eagles.  We are hoping to see some baby eagles hatch soon!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Newsletter 3-23-12

     The school carnival is today, March 23!  I will be helping out with the raffle and silent auction baskets from about 5:15-6:20 – hope to see you there!  Food is served starting at 5:00 and games start at 5:30.

With spring weather being unpredictable, it is always a good idea for students to have a sweatshirt or light jacket with them for the day.  Also, please remember no flip flops or sandals for gym class.  Now that the weather is getting nicer they will be going out and we like to keep their gym shoes for inside only.  We have gym on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Your child will be bringing home their Writer's Notebook throughout the month to write their daily Slice of Life.  Thanks for helping them remember to return it on Monday.  They've been doing a great job!

Spelling words for next week:
closest   nearer   softest   strongest   younger   bird   fire   drier   shirt   third   their   won't   won   thing

Upcoming events:
March 23 – school carnival
March 27 – PTO meeting at 5:30
March 30 – Beach Day and Limbo contest
April 2-6 - Spring Break
April 9 – school resumes

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Slice of Life, 3-21-12


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Monday, March 19, 2012


2nd graders…

The baby birds are growing quick—look at how big they are now!