We played games to practice some math skills we have been working on. We made some autumn game boards. Mrs. Hays made some game cards to practice ten more, ten less, one more, and one less than a number. Then we played with partners. It was fun!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Newsletter 10-19-12
Since next week is a short week, there is no spelling list or test. Enjoy your week off!
Library day next week will be Tuesday since we don't have school on Thursday.
I will be out all next week. My husband has surgery scheduled for Monday and will be in the hospital for a few days. My substitute will be Mrs. Thornsbrough. She subbed for Mrs. Stump a few weeks ago in music so they are familiar with her. I will still be checking my email daily so you may still contact me if you need. Have a great week!
Spelling List for November 1 test
clue cruise juice suit true ten nest desk leaf sleep green friends found best
Upcoming events:
Oct. 23 – PTO meeting at 5:30pm
Oct. 25-26 – Fall Break / No school
Nov. 8 – end of Trimester 1 – report cards will come home the
following week.
Nov. 9 – teacher work day – no school for students :) Enjoy your
day off!
Nov. 22-23 – no school – Thanksgiving Break
Nov. 27 – PTO meeting @ 5:30
Friday, October 19, 2012
The tax man
Mr. Hays has been our Junior Achievement teacher this week. We made paper doughnuts earlier in the week for a JA lesson about unit vs. assembly line manufacturing. The next day we got paid wages for the work we did. THEN THE TAX MAN CAME! A few of us were a little indignant about giving up any of our money, but we discussed taxes, how they work, and what they are used for.
Our public employees |
Yay! We got paid! |
Boo! We had to give some of our wages to the tax man. |
Yay! Now the public employees can get paid too! |
Awww, now they have to pay taxes too. |
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Fire Safety
The fire department came to visit us to talk about fire safety. The reminded us to have fresh batteries in our smoke detectors. We should practice having fire drills at home with our family and everyone should know where the safe meeting place is. Get down low if there is smoke.They even got to go into a smoky room to practice this. The trip through the fire truck was fun too.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Cookie Phases of the Moon
We learned about the phases of the moon - with cookies! First we separated our cookies. Then we chose ones to best fit each phase. We tweaked out the shapes a little with a spoon.
Voila! Then we got to eat them for a snack. Yum!
The Writing Process, part 7
When we are finished revising and editing, we have a finished book! Boy, did we work really hard to tell our stories! We love sharing our books with each other.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Newsletter 10-12-12
Our snack cabinet is getting bare. We don't eat lunch until 11:55 and second graders are totally starved by then! If you are able, please send in healthy snacks to share with the class. Great items are pretzels, crackers, cereal, etc.
Don't forget our upcoming field trip to Koinonia Environmental Center on Friday, October 19. The cost is $2.00 for students. Students are also to bring a disposable sack lunch on the day of the trip. Please return signed permission slips as soon as possible.
In reading we are learning about the moon and how it changes. We are also asking questions during reading to help us understand the books we read better. In math we are learning about greater than and less than, numbers that are one more and one less, and numbers that are ten more and ten less than a certain number.
Spelling words for next week:
boat crow float glow throat rug drum tune glue duck bug tell run slow
Spelling tests are on Thursdays. So is our library day!
Upcoming events:
Oct. 16- Ft.Wayne Zoo Night 6:30-7:30pm in the Gym
Oct. 23 – PTO meeting at 5:30pm
Oct. 25-26 – Fall Break / No school
Asking Questions
Readers ask questions when they read to help them understand what they are reading. Today we used a die to help us with this. The number we rolled helped us decide what kind of question to ask, for example, who, what, where, why, how, and when. Then we asked a question about our book. It was fun!
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Friday, October 5, 2012
Newsletter 10-5-12
Thanks to all of you that took time out of your busy lives to come to a scheduled Parent Teacher Conference. I enjoyed meeting you and I appreciate your desire to learn more about your child's progress.
Our snack cabinet is getting bare. We don't eat lunch until 11:55 and second graders are totally starved by then! If you are able, please send in healthy snacks to share with the class. Great items are pretzels, crackers, cereal, etc.
Don't forget our upcoming field trip to Koinonia Environmental Center on October 19. The cost is $2.00 for students. Students are also to bring a disposable sack lunch on the day of the trip. Please return signed permission slips as soon as possible.
Spelling words for next week:
cheat flea speed treat wheat top nose frog coat sock eating stop clock snap
Spelling tests are on Thursdays. So is our library day!
Upcoming events:
Oct. 16- Ft.Wayne Zoo Night 6:30-7:30pm in the Gym
Oct. 23 – PTO meeting at 5:30pm
Oct. 25-26 – Fall Break / No school
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Parent Teacher Conferences
Some of you are scheduled to meet with me for conferences on Thursday. Thank you in advance for taking time out from your busy schedules to learn more about your child's progress. If you are not scheduled for a conference and would still like to meet with me, please send in a note and I would be happy to set up a time after school in the near future.
The Writing Process, parts 5 and 6
After we have finished writing our story with words and pictures, we revise and edit. We do these steps with a partner. Sometimes partners can see things we miss or can give us suggestions. In revision, we try to add more to our stories to give the reader more information. In editing, our partner helps us check to make sure we have capital letters, end marks, and correct spelling.