

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Merry Christmas from the elves in Mrs. Hays' class!

Sydney, Kyla, Marissa B., Nondus, and Mrs. Hays

Drake, Jackson, Gaven K. Manny, and Brenden

Shawn, Marissa L. Ashlyn, and Esther

Alexis, Blair, Emma, and Amelia

Jay, Evan, Keegan, Jacob, and Gavin M.

Newsletter 12-21-13

       We are working on counting dimes, nickels and pennies.  Some of us still need help with identifying coins and knowing their value.  You can help us out by practicing at home by counting change together.  We have started using money touchpoints to help us count.  There is a sheet explaining this on the back of the homework folder.  In the tabs at the top of the blog, there is a tab for money games.  Check them out and learn about counting money on the computer!  Thanks!

Our library day is now Monday.

        Have a great break!  See you back at school on January 7!

Spelling list 13 for test on January 10
draw   haul   launch   lawn   sauce   less   feet   mean   keep   heat   why   sometimes   here   joke   

Upcoming events:
December 24-January 4 – Holiday Break
January 7 – school resumes

Monday, December 17, 2012

Warrior Winners

     We have some awesome kids in our class!  Here are our warrior winners from Friday.
Jay, Warrior of Writing

Manny, Warrior of reading

Blair, Warrior of Math

Emma, Warrior of Character

Brenden, Warrior of Character

Our special visitors

     Mr. Garner arranged for us to have some special visitors on Friday.  We hosted an alpaca (named Pinata), some bunnies, a chicken, and reindeer (named Jingle Belle) in the courtyard.  We learned that reindeer's hooves click when they walk so they can find each other in a snowstorm - interesting!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Friday, December 7, 2012

Newsletter 12-7-12

        Next week your child will be taking the Cognitive Abilities Test™ or CogAT®. This is test is utilized as part of Wawasee's entrance process for high ability education. The CogAT® (Cognitive Abilities Test™) is published by Riverside Publishing, a Houghton Mifflin Company. The test measures students’ reasoning abilities in the three areas that are linked to academic success: Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning, and Quantitative Reasoning. Reasoning is synonymous with learning and problem-solving. CogAT’s measurement of the three reasoning areas helps provide a balanced view of the child’s potential for academic success and provide a more differentiated learning experience.

       Please read the back for information about our school-wide food drive.  We are collecting food until December  21.  We really need toilet tissue and cereal.  Thanks for helping our community!

We are beginning our math topic about money.  We will start out learning about coins and counting them.  You can help us out by practicing at home by counting change together.  Thanks!

Our library day is now Monday.

Spelling List 11
bloom   broom   threw   grew   flew   crust   cube   fruit   food   moon   small   use   city   junk  
Upcoming events:
December 10 – music program for grades 4 and 5
7pm in gym
December – Cookies, Cocoa, and You – 5:30-6:30 pm
In the cafeteria
December 24-January 4 – Holiday Break
January 7 – school resumes

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Decorating for the holidays

     Look at all the fun we had decorating today!