

Thursday, January 31, 2013


     We sure have had a lot of fun learning about magnets the last few weeks!  Here is a list of things we have learned.

Do not put magnets up close to stuff that uses electricity.
Magnets are useful.
There is a cow magnet.

Magnets can pick up iron and cobalt.
The earth is a magnet.
Magnets don't stick to copper.

Magnets repel when north and north are together.
I learned that one magnet can move a paperclip through 76 paper plates.
Magnets can attract other magnets.

Some magnets are very strong and some are weak.
Some are used for big things like cars.
They have a north pole and a south pole.

The same poles attract but different poles don't attract.
Magnets stick to batteries.
Magnets push apart when they repel.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Newsletter 1-25-13

      The latest excitement in our classroom is the cart of iPads!  We are piloting some iPads for several weeks in our classroom.  We have lots of educational apps we are using to enhance our learning.  Ask your child about them!

Please make sure your child brings winter weather gear to wear at recess.  We go out most days.  They are welcome to bring boots and snowpants.

Spelling list 16 for test on January 31
blink   junk   blank   thank   trunk   glass   trade   lay   gain   clay   drink   can't   brothers   nice

Upcoming events:

Jan. 28 - School will be in session to make up for the November 21, 2012 cancellation.
Feb. 11 – snow makeup day
Feb. 18 – President's day – no school
Feb. 25 – teacher work day – no students
Feb. 26 – PTO meeting at 5:30pm

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Here we are cheering when we found out we get a cart of ipads to use in our classroom for several weeks!
Here are all the fun things we used them for on the first few days.

 learning how to take care of the devices

 practicing math facts
doing jigsaw puzzles
 taking a math quiz
 taking AR quizzes
 playing phonics bingo
 making words in word families
practicing 2 digit addition with regrouping to get ready for our new math topic

The students are very excited to get to use these devices!  We plan on using them daily in our learning.  If you have an suggestions for free ipad/ipod apps that are learning oriented, please send the name to us so we can check them out!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Spelling List for Thursday, January 24

Spelling list 15 for test on January 24
brook   cook   shook   stood   wood   bait   coat   wheel   cheat   road   many   knew   children   every

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Winter wonderland

We did a project where we painted over our whole paper with epsom salt paint when we finished coloring.  The blank space turns into crystals like snowflakes!


      Parent teacher conferences are on Tuesday, Jan. 22.  I would like to meet with anyone I did not meet with on the fall conference date.  If you received a conference scheduling form, please return it right away.  I will do my best to schedule a workable time for you.  If you did  not receive a form but would still like to have a conference, please send me in a note.  I would be happy to meet with you.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Newsletter 1-11-13

        Science Fun Day is coming up next Friday.  We are so excited!  If you are able to help, even for just part of the day, please consider it.  We still need lots of help to make it run smoothly.  We welcome grandparents, aunts, uncles...

Please make sure your child brings winter weather gear to wear at recess.  We go out most days.  They are welcome to bring boots and snowpants.

Our library day is Monday.

Spelling list 14 for test on January 17
chalk  walk  stalk  small  wall  when  dead  each  trees  head  gym  after  again  little 

Upcoming events:
Jan. 18 – Science Fun Day
Jan. 22 – Parent Teacher conferences
Jan. 28 - School will be in session to make up for the November 21, 2012 cancellation.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Holiday fun

The candy cane game

Doing the Santa Dance

Mr. Stewart after getting painted by his class for all the collections for the food pantry.