

Friday, December 20, 2013

Party as scheduled!

We will still have our party as scheduled at 12:40 and the school singalong at 2:00.  PJ day is still a go too!  Don't forget to bring extra pants or snow pants to change into for recess!  See you soon!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Friday, December 13, 2013

Newsletter 12-13-13

     Next Friday, December 20, is a busy day!  Our Christmas party will be from 12:40-1:25.  The all school singalong  will be in the gym from 2:00-2:45. This day will also be PJ day for our class.  Students are welcome to come and be comfy for the day!  Please bring regular pants to change into in the event that we go out to recess, or bring snow pants.

    We are still accepting items for the Food drive.  Thanks for helping out with this worthy cause.

    No spelling test next week.  Here is the first list for January.  There will be no newsletter this week so hang on to this one!

    We are beginning to work on counting money in math.  Please read the note on the back.

Spelling list 13 for test on January 9
draw   haul   launch   lawn   sauce   less   feet   mean   keep   heat   why   sometimes   here   joke  

    Upcoming events:
December 23-January 3 – Holiday Break
January 6 – school resumes
Jan. 16 – Parent teacher conferences 3:15-7:00pm

Friday, December 6, 2013

Newsletter 12-6-13

     We are currently accepting items for the food drive.  Thanks for sending in items to help families in our community!

     Please make sure your child comes to school with a warm coat, hat, and gloves.  We go out for recess if it is above 20 degrees and many students have been cold this week because they have not had suitable outdoor gear.  Thanks for your help with this!

    Several in our class do not have gym shoes.  We are now inside for gym and need those gym shoes.  They need not be new, just washed and clean.  Thank you!

     FYI - Our school is having some issues with head lice.  Please check your child's hair regularly and treat if necessary.  Students with long hair may want to wear their hair up for the next few weeks.   Please let me know if there are any cases  that crop up so Nurse Jane can be aware.  Thanks so much for your help with this.

Spelling List 12
bloom   broom   threw   grew   flew   crust   cube   fruit   food   moon   small   use   city   junk
    Upcoming events:
Dec. 9 – Music program for grades 4 and 5, 7pm in gym
Dec. 20 – Class Christmas party and school singalong –         times TBA
Dec. 23-Jan. 3 – Holiday Break

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Sometimes it is good to try something new

  Mrs. Hays made some of her homemade eggnog for everyone to try yesterday.  Mr. Speicher even joined us.  :)  We loved it - yum!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Newsletter 11-22-13

     Please make sure your child comes to school with a warm coat, hat, and gloves.  We go out for recess if it is above 20 degrees and many students have been cold this week because they have not had suitable outdoor gear.  Thanks for your help with this!

    Several in our class do not have gym shoes.  We are now inside for gym and need those gym shoes.  They need not be new, just washed and clean.  Thank you!

     FYI - Our school is having some issues with head lice.  Please check your child's hair regularly and treat if necessary.  Students with long hair may want to wear their hair up for the next few weeks.   Please let me know if there are any cases  that crop up so Nurse Jane can be aware.  Thanks so much for your help with this.

     No spelling test next week since it is a short week.  Here is the list for the test on December 5.
Spelling List 11(test Dec. 5)
chore   dare   fire   more   square   shop   drove   lost   road   soap   girl   how   sports   before

    Upcoming events:
Nov. 25 – PTO Meeting at 5:30 pm
Nov. 28-29 – Thanksgiving Break – no school
Dec. 9 – Music program for grades 4 and 5, 7pm in gym

Monday, November 18, 2013

Newsletter 11-15-13

     Please make sure your child comes to school with a warm coat, hat, and gloves.  We go out for recess if it is above 20 degrees and many students have been cold this week because they have not had suitable outdoor gear.  Thanks for your help with this!

    Several in our class do not have gym shoes.  We are now inside for gym and need those gym shoes.  They need not be new, just washed and clean.  Thank you!

    Monday we honored our Veterans at our Annual Veteran's Day program.  The students sang patriotic songs and were very respectful.  They did a great job!

     FYI - Our school is having some issues with head lice.  Please check your child's hair regularly and treat if necessary.  Students with long hair may want to wear their hair up for the next few weeks.   Please let me know if there are any cases  that crop up so Nurse Jane can be aware.  Thanks so much for your help with this.

Spelling List 10
clear   deer   pair   shear   steer   cat   face   paint   flash   brain   again   outside   wanted   are
    Upcoming events:
Nov. 25 – PTO Meeting at 5:30 pm
Nov. 28-29 – Thanksgiving Break – no school

Friday, November 8, 2013

Newsletter 11-7-13

     No school Friday!  It is a teacher work day due to being the end of the first trimester.   Report cards will come home next week.

    We will still be adding two digit numbers in math next week.  We are moving on to subtracting two digit numbers after that.  Keep practicing those math facts!

    Please send in the note regarding the Christmas ABC poem.  I need that note signed and returned so your child can start their project.  Thanks!

Spelling List 9 for next week
burn   churn   turn   stir   sir   look   lick   like   smoke   cook  not   first   joke   kicked
    Upcoming events:
Nov. 7 – end of first trimester
Nov. 8 – Teacher work day – no students
Nov. 25 – PTO Meeting at 5:30 pm
Nov. 28-29 – Thanksgiving Break – no school

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Newsletter 11-1-13

      Don't forget to read for Book it!  If your child reads 300 minutes in November at home (10 minutes per night) they can earn a certificate for a free personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut!

No school on Friday for students.  It is the end of the trimester and a teacher work day.

It is getting colder out.  Please make sure your child comes with a warm jacket every day.  Also several students still need gym shoes.  They need not be new, just washed and clean.

Many of our students also need erasers.  Our pencil erasers often get used up so we need spares.  Please send some for your child if they need some.  Just ask them!

Spelling List for next week
or   corn   smart   thorn   worn  rope   dive   tape   tube   cheese   sale   said   jump   line

Upcoming events:

Nov. 7 – end of first trimester
Nov. 8 – Teacher work day – no students
Nov. 25 – PTO Meeting at 5:30 pm
Nov. 28-29 – Thanksgiving Break – no school

Friday, October 18, 2013

Newsletter 10-18-13

     I will be out all next week.  My husband has surgery scheduled for Monday and will be in the hospital for a few days.  My substitute will be Mrs. Horsmon. She has been in our classroom before.  I will still be checking my email daily so you may still contact me if you need.  Have a great week!

    Since next week is a short week, there is no spelling list or test.  Enjoy your week off!   There will be a test the following week, on Oct. 31.  I will not be sending a newsletter next week since it is a short week and I will be out.  So here is your list early!

Spelling list 7 (test on Thursday, Oct. 31)
clue   cruise   juice   suit   true   ten   nest   desk   leaf   sleep   green   friends   found   best

    Upcoming events:
Oct. 21 – PTO meeting 5:30
Oct. 24-25 – Fall Break
Nov. 7 – end of first trimester
Nov. 8 – Teacher work day – no students
Nov. 25 – PTO Meeting at 5:30 pm
Nov. 28-29 – Thanksgiving Break – no school

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Spelling test this week

The spelling test this week will be Friday, since we have our trip to Koinonia on Thursday.  Thanks!

Junior Achievement with Mr. Hays

     Mr. Hays came in this week to teach Junior Achievement.  We learned all about workers in our community, unit and assembly manufacturing, elections, taxes, and how money moves around our community.  Boy, can we boogie!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Phases of the moon with cookies

     We are learning about the phases of the moon in class, so we decided to tie it in to our snack time Friday.  Yum!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Newsletter 10-11-13

      Our snack cabinet is getting bare.  We don't eat lunch until 11:55 and second graders are totally starved by then!  If you are able, please send in healthy snacks to share with the class.  Great items are pretzels, crackers, cereal, etc.

     Don't forget our upcoming field trip to Koinonia Environmental Center on October 17.  The cost is $2.00 for students.  Students are also to bring a disposable sack lunch on the day of the trip.  Please return signed permission slips as soon as possible.  If you would like to help chaperone, please drop me a note or an email at 

     Our class is participating in Book It!  this year.  Check out a previous blog post for complete information.

    In reading we are learning about the moon and how it changes.  We are also asking questions during reading to help us understand the books we read better. In math we are learning about greater than and less than, numbers that are one more and one less, and numbers that are ten more and ten less than a certain number.

Spelling words for next week:  List 6
boat    crow   float   glow   throat   rug drum   tune   glue   duck   bug   tell   run   slow
Spelling tests are on Thursdays.
    Upcoming events:
Oct. 21 – PTO meeting 5:30
Oct. 24-25 – Fall Break

Monday, October 7, 2013

Drawing lessons, part 2

     When we are drawing characters in our illustrations, we also want to show expression on their faces.  Today we practiced drawing showing how people feel by showing expression on their face. 
Can you tell how we are feeling?
Looks just like Mrs. Hays,
doesn't it?





sick (with chicken pox)



Sunday, October 6, 2013

Drawing lessons, part 1

We are learning that when you draw people in the illustrations of your books, you don't want to draw stick people.  You want to draw people that look real.  Sometimes you might want to use a model to help you sketch a person.  Here we are modeling and sketching.