

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Newsletter 8-29-14

       We have been working on how to figure out tricky words in reading workshop.  We don't give up after trying just once.  We try several different strategies.  Never let the word win!

We will take our first math test over addition to 20 next week.

The class is very excited about this year's PTO fundraiser!  Students are asked to collect the money for the items when they sell the items, not when they deliver.  An envelope is included with the product forms to put the money in and should be turned in with the order forms on Tuesday, September 9.  Parents can pick up the items for delivery on Wednesday, October 8, 3:30-6:30, at the school.  Thanks for supporting our school!

We have a class blog at .  I hope to post new things about what we are learning in our classroom a few times a week.  I will also post spelling words there.  Check it out!  Enter your email address there if you wish email notifications of blog updates.  Instructions are there to sign up for class reminder texts or emails also under the Remind 101 tab.  Please sign up there ASAP so you can be in the loop!  Those reminders are also posted in the widget on the class blog.

Spelling words for next week: list C
happy  less   letter   little   off   silly   still   tell   well   will
Our spelling tests are on Thursdays.

Upcoming events:
Sept 1 Labor Day – no school
Sept 9 – fundraiser ends
Sept 11 – Open House 6-7:30 – Book Fair

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Partner reading

Here we are, learning to partner read.  When we partner read, we sit EEKK (elbow, elbow, knee, knee) with the book between us, and we read at a level 1.  Here are some great partner readers!

Building stamina

Stamina is when you do something for a long time without getting tired or giving up.  Here we are, reading to ourselves and building our stamina.  Super work!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Newsletter 8-22-14

     We've had a great second week!  We are learning more about reading workshop and about the choices we get to make during that time.  It takes lots of time to teach all those routines.  In math we are continuing to work on addition facts to 20.

We have a class blog at .  I hope to post new things about what we are learning in our classroom a few times a week.  I will also post spelling words there.  Check it out!  Enter your email address there if you wish email notifications of blog updates.  Instructions are there to sign up for class reminder texts or emails also under the Remind 101 tab.  Please sign up there ASAP so you can be in the loop!  Those reminders are also posted in the widget on the class blog.

Spelling words for next week: list B
sent   candy   like   went   puppy   didn't   time   take   my   by
Our spelling tests are on Thursdays.

Upcoming events:
Aug. 28 PTO meeting 5:30 in Happy Place *date change*
Aug. 25 Family Involvement Activity 5:00-6:30 pm
Aug. 27 Fundraiser kickoff in gym
Sept 1 Labor Day – no school

Friday, August 15, 2014

Newsletter 8-15-14

        We've had a great first week!  We are learning about how Reading and Writing Workshop flows and works in our classroom.  In math we are working on addition facts.
We have a class blog at .  I hope to post new things about what we are learning in our classroom a few times a week.  I will also post spelling words there.  Check it out!  Enter your email address there if you wish email notifications of blog updates.   I do not have updated Media Release forms for each student so if you received one (it's a yellow form) earlier this week, please sign and return it.  If you have any questions regarding this, please email me at
We don't eat lunch until 11:55a.m. - that's much later than when your child was in first grade.  They often get hungry in the morning and love a small snack.  If you are able and haven't already, please send in a snack for the class snack cabinet for us to share.  Healthy, economical items like crackers, cereal, and pretzels are excellent.   Your kids thank you!

Please check the back of this newsletter for information about the Remind101 text reminder service.  Sign up if you'd like text message reminders about important classroom news and events!

Spelling words for next week:
send, back, end, both, fast, last, must, just, bath, black
Our spelling tests are on Thursdays.

Upcoming events:
Aug. 21 – Individual student pictures
Aug. 25 PTO meeting 5:30 in Happy Place
Aug. 25 Family Involvement Activity 5:00-6:30 pm
Aug. 27 Fundraiser kickoff in gym
Sept 1 Labor Day – no school

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Our first two days

     We've had a couple of great days!  We are getting acquainted with classmates, learning our new routines, and making good choices.  I am really enjoying getting to know your children.  Thanks for all the snacks you have sent in.  The children really enjoy having a snack during that long morning stretch until lunch.
     Please sign up for remind101 if you have not done so.  See the info below.  I promise won't pester you with too many messages and I will unsubscribe you at the end of the year.

Friday, August 1, 2014

August lunch menu

Below is the link for the August 2014 lunch menu.
August lunch menu