

Friday, September 26, 2014

Newsletter 9-26-14

     Our snack cabinet is empty.  If you are able, please send in some healthy snacks to share with the class.  Cereal, crackers,  cheese sticks, pretzels, and the like would be great.  Thanks!

     We had a great time at Johnny Appleseed day today!  We rotated between the four second grade classrooms and did a different activity in each one.  In Mrs. Keim's class we made apple dumplings.  We played an apple game on the smart board in Mr. Lucas' class.  Apple painting was fun with Mrs. Dawes.  Johnny Appleseed visited with Mrs. Hays' in the courtyard and showed us how to make apple cider with an antique cider press.  It was a super afternoon!

    If your child brought home a conference form, please return it right away.  Parent teacher conferences will be Oct. 2.  I will send a confirmation slip back to you after I get them scheduled.  I will not be meeting with all parents at this time.  If I don't meet with you on this round, I will meet with you in January.  As always, if you would like to meet with me, I will be happy to schedule a time for you.  Just send in a note and I will get back to you.

Spelling words for next week- List 4:
brain   faint   snail   strain   tray   hill   chin   smile   bike   write   played   mail   rain   name
Our spelling tests are on Thursdays.

Upcoming events:
Oct. 2 – Parent Teacher conferences (round 1) 3:15-7pm
    -Title One activity at 5:30 in the Happy Place
Oct. 8 – fundraiser delivery 3:15-6pm in gym
Oct. 16 – Zoo night 6:30-7:30 in gym
Oct. 20 – PTO meeting 5:30 in Happy Place
Oct. 23-24 – Fall Break – no school
Nov. 6 – end of first trimester

Friday, September 19, 2014

Newsletter 9-19-14

     Please send in money for Johnny Appleseed day.  We are celebrating Friday afternoon, Sept. 26. Each child needs to bring in $2.  Thanks so much!

     Monday is our subtraction up to 20 test.  Next we will begin a number sense unit, dealing with place value up to 1000, odd and even numbers, comparing numbers, using word form, standard form, and expanded form.

     We have been practicing making connections when we read.  Next week we will begin working on creating mental images as we read.

     If your child does not know how to tie their shoes yet or needs extra practice, please work on that with them.  It takes us a looooong time to get our shoes changed for P.E. every Tuesday and Wednesday.  If your child has not brought in gym shoes yet, please send some.  They don’t need to be new, just washed and clean.  Thank you!

     Aaarrrr!  Today is “talk like a pirate” day.  We read some fun books about pirates.  Ask your child to tell you about them!

     Spelling words for next week- List 3:
broke   choke   cute   flake   spine   bag   map   snake   skate   rain   black  crash   made   make
Our spelling tests are on Thursdays.

Upcoming events:
Sept 22 – PTO meeting 5:30pm in Happy Place
Sept 25 – Red Cross Blood Drive 12-6pm in gym
Sept 25 – Family Involvement Activity – TBA
Oct 2 – Parent Teacher conferences (round 1) 3:15-7pm
    -Title One activity at 5:30 in the Happy Place

Friday, September 12, 2014

Fortuneteller practice

We practiced identifying complete sentences today with fortunetellers.  Ask to see the one your child is bringing home!

Newsletter 9-12-14

     We will are continuing subtraction up to 20 for the next  week in math.  Practicing with some subtraction fact cards would be good practice at home.  In reading workshop we are working on making connections when we read.  Making connections to the story when we are reading helps us understand what we are reading better!

    Fundraiser money should be turned in with the order forms by now.  Parents can pick up the items for delivery on Wednesday, October 8, 3:30-6:30, at the school.  Thanks for supporting our school!

    Thanks to all who were able to come to Open House on Thursday.   I enjoyed meeting you and the children always enjoy showing their family around the school. 

    We are planning a special day on September 26.  It is Johnny Appleseed day for second grade and we have some great activities planned.  Please send in $2 to help cover the cost of our fun afternoon.  More info on the back.

Spelling words for next week- List 2:
cast   quit   rent   stock   trust   teeth   wheel   white   fish   chick   then   those  who   shook
        I will also be giving a dictation sentence on the back of the test.  It will include some spelling words from our current list.  One point will be counted for each spelling word and for a capital at the beginning and for a period at the end. Our spelling tests are on Thursdays.
    Upcoming events:

Sept 22 – PTO meeting 5:30pm in Happy Place
Sept 25 – Red Cross Blood Drive 12-6pm in gym
Sept 25 – Family Involvement Activity – TBA
Oct 2 – Parent Teacher conferences (round 1) 3:15-7pm
    -Title One activity at 5:30 in the Happy Place
Oct 8 – fundraiser delivery 3:15-6pm in gym

Friday, September 5, 2014

Newsletter 9-5-14

    We will be working on subtraction up to 20 for the next 2 weeks in math.

    Fundraiser money should be turned in with the order forms on Tuesday, September 9.  Parents can pick up the items for delivery on Wednesday, October 8, 3:30-6:30, at the school.  Thanks for supporting our school!

    The school fundraiser ends on Sept. 11.  Please return all order forms and envelopes with money collected by that date.  Make sure your child's name is on both the envelope and the order form.

Spelling words for next week- List 1:
chart   graph   phone   thick   trash   bride   smile   tree   sky   drill  our   sister   I   truck

        I will also be giving a dictation sentence on the back of the test.  It will include some spelling words from our current list.  One point will be counted for each spelling word and for a capital at the beginning and for a period at the end. Our spelling tests are on Thursdays.
    Upcoming events:
Sept 9 – fundraiser ends
Sept 11 – Open House 6-7:30 – Book Fair
Sept 11 Title One information meeting – Curriculum Open House – 6-7:30 in Happy Place
            -Title One information meeting @ 7:30am and 1:30pm  in Happy Place
Sept 22 – PTO meeting 5:30pm in Happy Place
Sept 25 – Red Cross Blood Drive 12-6pm in gym
Sept 25 – Family Involvement Activity – TBA
Oct 2 – Parent Teacher conferences (round 1) 3:15-7pm