

Friday, December 19, 2014

Gingerbread Traps

 We read the story Gingerbread Baby by Jan Brett this week.  Matti caught the runaway gingerbread baby in a trap.  We designed our own traps to catch gingerbread.  Here we are demonstrating them.  We've got some creative kids in here- great ideas!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Newsletter 12-18-14

Friday is our last day of school this week.  Our class party is at 1:00.  The all school singalong is at 2:00.  You are welcome to come or send treats for the party if you wish.

     Classes resume on January 5.  See you all next year!

Spelling words for next week- List 13: test on January 8
draw   haul   launch   lawn   sauce   less   feet   mean   keep   heat   why   sometimes   here   joke

Upcoming events:
Dec. 19 – 2:00 All school singalong in gym
        1:00 Class Christmas Party
Dec. 22-Jan. 2 – Holiday Break
Jan. 5 – classes resume
Jan. 15 – Parent Teacher conferences 3:15-7:00pm
          - Parent Involvement Activity 3:15-7:00pm in                 Happy Place

Twins Day!

 Can you guess who the real twins are?  There are 3 sets of them!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Reader's Theater

Our switch time groups performed some reader's theater for each other last week in switch time.  We got together with Mrs. Keim's class and performed The Twelve Days of Christmas...Vacation and Bob the Goofy Reindeer.  Great job, switch groups!

Friday, December 12, 2014

Newsletter 12-12-14

     No spelling test next week.  We will be doing some review activities in class over past lists.
     Please make sure your children bring winter coats, hats, and gloves or mittens EVERY DAY.  We WILL BE GOING OUTSIDE if the temperature is not below 20 degrees.  Please write names or initials in all items, just in case they get misplaced.  It happens more than you might think!

     Next week is spirit week.  Our school is having a service project for Heifer Project.  If your child wishes to participate, they need to bring in $1 and they can dress up for all 5 days next week!

Monday:  Pajama Day "Don't sleep on Hunger"
Tuesday:  Crazy Sock Day "Sock it to hunger"
Wednesday: Warrior Wear (green & gold day) "Warriors wipe out hunger"
Thursday: Twins day and Thirsty Thursday Students can purchase bottles of water for an additional $1.
Friday:  Santa/Elf hat day "Syracuse Cares like Santa"

Spelling words for next week- List 13: test on January 8
draw   haul   launch   lawn   sauce   less   feet   mean   keep   heat   why   sometimes   here   joke

Upcoming events:
Dec. 19 – 2:00 All school singalong in gym
        1:00 Class Christmas Party
Dec. 22-Jan. 2 – Holiday Break
Jan. 5 – classes resume
Jan. 15 – Parent Teacher conferences 3:15-7:00pm
          - Parent Involvement Activity 3:15-7:00pm in Happy Place

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Food drive

Our school is having a food drive until Christmas break.  Please help us collect as many items as we can!  We are collecting shampoo, soap, toilet paper, canned foods, boxed foods, hats, socks, gloves, anything that is not frozen or packaged in glass.  Thank you!

Newsletter 12-5-14

        Please make sure your children bring winter coats, hats, and gloves or mittens EVERY DAY.  We WILL BE GOING OUTSIDE if the temperature is not below 20 degrees.  Please write names or initials in all items, just in case they get misplaced.  It happens more than you might think!

Spelling words for next week- List 12:
bloom   broom    threw   grew   flew   crust   cube   fruit   food   moon   small   use   city   junk
Our spelling tests are on Thursdays.

Upcoming events:
Dec. 8 – music program for grades 4 and 5 – 7pm in gym
Dec. 19 – 2:15 All school singalong in gym
1:00 Class Christmas Party
Dec. 22-Jan. 2 – Holiday Break
Jan. 5 – classes resume