

Friday, April 24, 2015

Newsletter 4-24-15

     Grandparent's Day was loads of fun!  Kids love spending time with their special family members.  If you missed out or were unable to come, you are welcome to come and eat with your special kiddo any day.  We eat lunch at 11:55.  Feel free to meet us in the foyer on our way down to the cafeteria.

    Our Second and Third grade music program on Monday was fantastic.  Thanks to all the family members that attended and to the students who worked hard.  Mrs. Stump and I are very proud!

    Please return signed report card envelopes.  You may keep the papers.

        Our snack cabinet is running low again.  Please send in some healthy snacks if you are able.  The kids love morning snack time!

    We will be sending home some field trip permission slips for our end of year field trips.  Please sign and return those as soon as possible.  Thanks.

Spelling words - List 28
babies   candies   cherries   flies   supplies   point   toy   coin   joy   oil   have   boy   where   to   too
Upcoming events:
April 27 – PTO meeting 5:30 pm in Happy Place
May 7 – Kindergarten Roundup 4:00-7:00pm in cafeteria
May 11 - Gr. 2 - Healthworks (8:40-2:30)
May 15 - Gr. 2 - FFA at WHS (not sure of time yet)
May 18 – PTO meeting 5:30 in Happy Place
May 25 – Memorial Day / No school
May 26 - Family Picnic Day - Student Fun Day
          Gr. 2 – walk to Lakeside Park (12:00-2:45)
May 27 - Talent Show - 1:00 in gym
May 28 – Last student Day - Awards Program - 9:00 in gym

Friday, April 17, 2015

Newsletter 4-17-15

     Monday is Grandparent's Day!  Family members are welcome to come have lunch at school.  Second grade eats at 11:45 on this day (10 minutes earlier than usual).  The book fair and art fair will also open this day.

    Monday evening is our Second and Third grade music program.  Students are to meet in Mrs. Dawes' room at 6:40pm to prepare for the program to start at 7:00pm.

Spelling words - List 26
careful   farmer   fearless   handful  slowly   turn   sure   curve   nurse   nature   hurt   they   house   beautiful

Upcoming events:
Cancelled- April 16- Out and About Information Expo -cancelled
April 20- Grandparent's Day – lunch – Book Fair – Art Fair
    Music program for grades 2 and 3 – 7:00pm in gym
April 27 – PTO meeting 5:30 pm in Happy Place
May 7 – Kindergarten Roundup 4:00-7:00pm in cafeteria

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Beach day snacks

We rotated around to different classrooms today for some beach day fun.  We had a beachy snack, made shell necklaces, played smartboard games, and played beach ball games.  What a great way to finish before Spring Break!

Newsletter 4-2-15

        No spelling list for next week.  We will be reviewing past lists together in class.  Take a break!  The words below are for the week after Spring Break.

        Thanks  Morgan, for representing our class well in the limbo contest today!

       No school Friday, April 3, due to Good Friday.  No school also April 6-10 for Spring Break.  See you again on Monday, April 13.

Spelling words for April 16 - List 25
undo   unjust   unload   unpack   unsafe   form   shore   horse  board word   are   favorite   more   they're

Upcoming events:
April 3 – Good Friday – No school
April 6-10 – Spring Break – No school
April 13 – school resumes
April 16- Out and About Information Expo 5-6:30 in gym
April 20- Grandparent's Day – lunch – Book Fair – Art Fair
    Music program for grades 2 and 3 – 7:00pm in gym
April 27 – PTO meeting 5:30 pm in Happy Place

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

STEM challenge, day 3

Here are our rafts from the protect a peep challenge.   Great job,  second grade scientists!

STEM challenge, day 2

These pix are from day 2, building day.  Stay tuned for performing the challenge day!

Protect a peep STEM project, day 1

We are particpating in a STEM challenge this week.   STEM means Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.  The challenge is to build a raft from supplied materials to protect your peep from getting wet while it floats.  The materials allowed are 12 popsicle sticks, 2 feet of tape, 2 feet of yarn, and glue.  These are pix from day 1, planning day.