

Have a fantastic summer!

Wow!  I am going to miss this bunch of kids.  They are a super bunch and we have been able to do great things and learn lots.  We've been able to try many new things because they've had good self control and have had good flexibility in situations.    They are ready for the next challenge!  They will be great third graders.  Thank you, second graders, for all the good memories.  Enjoy your summer.   Thanks so much for all the fun teacher gifts this spring - I have felt so appreciated!  Oh, by the way, don't forget to read!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Newsletter 5-22-15

     Our last field trip is Tuesday, May 26 to Lakeside Park to play with second grade (no swimming).  We will walk there after Family Picnic Day.  We also will have fun in the gym with bounce houses Tuesday morning.  Please wear clothing suitable for that activity.

    No more spelling tests.  We will do Sparkle Spelling review in class using our old spelling lists until the end of the year.  We are also finished with math fact homework. 

Upcoming events:
May 25 – Memorial Day / No school
May 26 - Family Picnic Day - Student Fun Day
          Gr. 2 – walk to Lakeside Park (12:00-2:45)
May 27 - Talent Show - 1:00 in gym
May 28 – Last student Day - Awards Program - 9:00 in gym (mostly for older students, but science 
     fair participants will be recognized) We will do our own classroom awards in our room    
     immediately following.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Mobile building

We have been studying balancing and weighing in math.  We have learned about fulcrums and weights.  Today we built mobiles.  Aren't they awesome?

Friday, May 15, 2015

Newsletter 5-15-15

     Please return signed report card envelopes.  You may keep the papers.
    Our field trips this week were great!  Thanks to all who helped us out.  Our last trip is May 26 to Lakeside Park to play with second grade (no swimming).  We will walk there after Family Picnic Day.

     Our class is walked in the Relay for Life walkathon today.  We helped by raising lots of money for the American Cancer Society.  Thank you!

    No more spelling tests.  We will do Sparkle Spelling review in class using our old spelling lists until the end of the year.

Upcoming events:
May 18 – PTO meeting 5:30 in Happy Place
May 25 – Memorial Day / No school
May 26 - Family Picnic Day - Student Fun Day
          Gr. 2 – walk to Lakeside Park (12:00-2:45)
May 27 - Talent Show - 1:00 in gym
May 28 – Last student Day - Awards Program - 9:00 in gym

Friday, May 8, 2015

Newsletter 5-8-15

     Please return signed report card envelopes.  You may keep the papers.
    Our first trip is on Monday.  We are going to Healthworks.  Please send a disposable lunch and drink labeled with your child's name.  Thanks!

    Our Friday field trip to WHS for Food for America Day will be from 1:10-2:25.  We will be out of the school building at that time.  It is a short trip, so no chaperones are needed. 

     Our class is walking in the Relay for Life walkathon on Friday, May 15th.  Please return pledge sheets and money when you are done collecting.  Our class theme is Go Crazy on Cancer.  Wear crazy clothes, hats, shoes, etc .    Feel free to dress accordingly!

Spelling words -list 29
drier   funniest   happier   sunniest   windier   soon   foot   good   noon   would   what   were   two   trip

Upcoming events:
May 11 - Gr. 2 - Healthworks (8:40-2:30)
      PTO meeting 8:30 am in Happy Place
May 15 - Gr. 2 - FFA at WHS 1:10-2:25
May 18 – PTO meeting 5:30 in Happy Place
May 25 – Memorial Day / No school
May 26 - Family Picnic Day - Student Fun Day
          Gr. 2 – walk to Lakeside Park (12:00-2:45)
May 27 - Talent Show - 1:00 in gym
May 28 – Last student Day - Awards Program - 9:00 in gym


Thursday, May 7, 2015

What can you make with a cardboard tube?

a speaker
Eiffel Tower
rain stick
pencil and desk supply holder

Friday, May 1, 2015

Newsletter 5-1-15

        Please return signed report card envelopes.  You may keep the papers.
       Our snack cabinet is running low again.  Please send in some healthy snacks if you are able.  The kids love morning snack time!

      Please sign and return field trip permission slips for our end of year field trips ASAP.   We could also use 3 more adults to come along with us to Healthworks on May 11.  No cost for adults but you will need to bring a lunch.  Please let me know if you are able to come. Thanks.

Spelling words -list 27
blocks   busses   cakes   passes   peaches   score   card   sharp   torn   earn   crashes   there   will   was

Upcoming events:
May 7 – Kindergarten Roundup 4:00-7:00pm in cafeteria
May 11 - Gr. 2 - Healthworks (8:40-2:30)
      PTO meeting 8:30 am in Happy Place
May 15 - Gr. 2 - FFA at WHS (not sure of time yet)
May 18 – PTO meeting 5:30 in Happy Place
May 25 – Memorial Day / No school
May 26 - Family Picnic Day - Student Fun Day
          Gr. 2 – walk to Lakeside Park (12:00-2:45)
May 27 - Talent Show - 1:00 in gym
May 28 – Last student Day - Awards Program - 9:00 in gym