

Friday, November 27, 2015

Newsletter 11-27-15

     I will be out of state on Nov. 23 and 24.  Mrs. Boyer will be our guest teacher.  
I will be back on the 30th!  Enjoy Thanksgiving with your families.


    HaysCorner is now on Twitter!  Follow us- @hayscorner111 .

Since our report cards no longer have an explanation key at the bottom, 
I thought I'd include this information.

Report Card Explanation Key
A 90-100%
B 80-89%
C 70-79%
D 60-69%
F 59% and below
E Excellent
S Satisfactory
N Needs improvement
U Unsatisfactory
CR Credit
NC No credit

   Upcoming events:
Nov. 23 – PTO Meeting 5:30pm in Happy Place
Nov. 25-27 – No school – Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 7 – Music program for Grades 4 and 5, 7:00 pm in gym

Friday, November 20, 2015

Our Thankful List

          We just finished reading Junie B. Jones, Turkeys We Have Loved and Eaten (and Other Thankful Stuff).  Our cadet teacher, Miss Zorn, decided we should bring in our own thankful bags and share what we are thankful for, just like they did in the book.  Here it is!

lucky gold coin
grandma and grandpa
mom and dad
Pokemon cards
big Pokemon cards
x box
brother and sister
minecraft guys
brothers and sisters
pet dog
stuffed moose
stuffed horse
best friend Autumn
youth group
best friend Taylor

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Nonfiction text feature scavenger hunt

Today we went on a scavenger hunt for nonfiction text features in Gail Gibbons books.  We looked for things like: captions, diagrams, labels, graphs, maps, table of contents, glossary, index, cutaway, zoom in, and "how to" pages.  Whew!  That's a lot to look for!  We found a bunch!

Friday, November 13, 2015

Newsletter 11-13-15

     2 digit subtraction with regrouping is off to a good start.  Expect more 2-page homework nights Monday through Thursday next week.

    The Veterans Day program was super!  Check out the blog for pictures.

    We have been learning about sequence and signal words in reading this week.  Signal words help us determine what is important when we read. 

    HaysCorner is now on Twitter!  Follow us- @hayscorner111 .

    Upcoming events:
Nov. 23 – PTO Meeting 5:30pm in Happy             Place
Nov. 25-27 – No school – Thanksgiving                 Break
Dec. 7 – Music program for Grades 4 and 5
        7:00 pm in gym

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Veterans Day

We had a wonderful Veterans Day program today.  Thanks to Mrs. Stump and all the students for their hard work!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Newsletter 11-5-15

       We tested on 2 digit addition with regrouping today.  We will begin our new unit next week on 2 digit subtraction with regrouping.  This is another big unit that takes a lot of work.  Expect more 2-page homework nights for awhile.

We learned about recycling paper this week.  Read more about it  and see pictures on the blog.

HaysCorner is now on Twitter!  Follow us- @hayscorner111 .

Upcoming events:
Nov. 6 – Teacher work day – no school for students
Nov. 11 – Veteran's Day program in gym – 10:00am
Nov. 23 – PTO Meeting 5:30pm in Happy Place
Nov. 25-27 – No school – Thanksgiving Break

Building story scenes with Lego

Today after we read silently to ourselves, we built a scene from our story with Legos.  This helps us understand setting and plot in the books we read.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Making paper

  We learned about paper and recycling today from the Kosciusko  County Recycling Depot.  We made our own paper!  First, you make a slurry from water and fiber.  You pour it over your mold, like this.

This is the slurry.

Then you press out the water.

Keep pressing!
 Then you take it off the screen.

 Set it out to dry for a few days.
Then you have your own recycled paper!

Monday, November 2, 2015

We love Junior Achievement!

Thanks to Mrs. Brunner for teaching our second graders about money, jobs, and our community in Junior Achievement this year. We learned a lot!