

Thursday, September 1, 2011

9-2-11 Newsletter

        This week we: talked about our reading voice and our thinking voice.  We learned about fake reading and what to do when you realize you are doing it.  We also made reading salad.
We took the Star reading test and the NWEA math test.
Writers write to an audience.  We talked about who our audience might be.  We learned how to draw characters , sketch clothes on them, and add details to them.  We told stories about times in our life.  We made a list and will be writing about some of them.
We started a new math unit focusing on addition strategies.

We had our fundraiser kickoff on Wednesday.  Those order forms came home Wednesday also.

Spelling words for next week:
less, tell, well, will, still, off, letter, little, silly, happy

No school on Monday due to Labor Day.  Enjoy the three day weekend!

Open house is Thursday, Sept. 8 from 6-7:30.  I look forward to meeting you!  The book fair will also be open.

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