

Thursday, September 8, 2011

9-9-11 Newsletter

Last week we added a dictation sentence to the back of our spelling test.  It was just for practice the first week, but from now on it will be part of our language grade.  I will read a sentence aloud and the students will write it.  It will contain a few spelling words and some other simple words.  Students will be responsible for correctly spelling the spelling words in the sentence and for using a capital at the beginning of the sentence and the proper end mark at the end (period, exclamation mark, or question mark.)  Thanks so much for helping your children practice their spelling words each week!

In math this week we have worked on addition fact strategies.  We have learned about how adding 0, 1, 2, doubles facts, near doubles facts, and turnaround facts can help us learn our math facts quicker and easier!

In reading we have been paying attention to the thinking voice in our head when we read.  Our thinking voice helps us think and relate to the text so we can better understand what we are reading.  We have been recording our thinking on sticky notes and in our reading notebook. We also took the NWEA reading test in the computer lab.

Spelling words for next week are:
boat, coat, float, long, along, belong, paw, fawn, tall, wall

Upcoming events
PTO meeting - Sept. 27 at 5:30 p.m.
Individual pictures - Sept. 29
Book fair - Sept. 8-15

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