

Friday, September 23, 2011

Newsletter 9-23-11

          We are still collecting $1.00 for Johnny Appleseed Day and $2.00 and permission slips for the field trip to Koinonia on Oct. 4.  Please send those in as soon as possible.

     Our snack cabinet is getting low!  Please send in some healthy snacks for our class to share if you are able.  The students really appreciate a snack during the long wait until lunch.

     In writing workshop this week we have learned that we can use carets and spider legs to add in more words when we run out of space and have more to say.  Ask your child about it!

     We had a great afternoon with Johnny Appleseed!  Ask your child to tell you about the fun activities they participated in.  With Mrs. Shofner they tasted apple foods.  They played a game with Mr. Lucas.  Mrs. Dawes had an apple craft.  Mrs. Hays had a special guest with her in the outdoor classroom.
     Some of us still do not have gym shoes here at school.  We need them to help reduce wear to our gym floor and to prevent damage from wearing street shoes that might have rocks stuck in them.  They do not need to be new, just washed and clean.  Thanks for your help to keep our gym floor nice!

spelling words for next week:
cast, quit, rent, stock, trust, teeth
wheel, white, fish, chick,
then, those, who, shook

Upcoming events:
Field trip to Koinonia on October 4.
Picture day Sept. 29
Parent teacher conferences October 6, 3:15-7:00 pm

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