

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Learning about the past

     Jeb's grandpa came to visit us today to teach about Native Americans and artifacts found in our area.  First he got out his "time machine" to help us understand how long ago 20,000 years ago was, the time of the last big ice age.

     Here are some of his artifacts.  Almost all of them were found in the area which we live!
      He had a nice selection of cooking tools, arrow points, tools to prepare animal hide, toys, tools for cutting and chopping, drilling,  jewelry, pipes, and even some items with an unknown purpose.



     Then each student got to use a mortar and pestle to grind corn into flour.  It was hard work!

Some of us looked in a reference book to find out more information.

1 comment:

  1. This is really neat! I think it is really neat that you got to learn about things that were found around here. I can't imagine living when I had to grind my own corn by hand!
