Friday, December 2, 2011
Newsletter 12-2-11
Next week, from December 5-9, our school’s PTO will be hosting a Penguin Patch Holiday Shoppe. This is an opportunity for the kids to do some holiday shopping for family members while at school. We will be visiting the shop Monday morning, December 5 to preview the items available. The white envelope is for them to bring in money and notes on who they want to buy for starting on Tuesday. They will need an envelope filled out before they can go shopping. Extra envelopes are available at the office.
The food drive begins Monday, December 5. Our school goal is 1,700 items. If we reach our goal Mr. Stewart (the fifth grade teacher whose class is sponsoring the food drive) will do something REALLY crazy! Last year we got to make him into a human ice cream sundae! Send in those items for the food drive!
Our snack cabinet is starting to look bare again. If you are able, please send in a healthy item for our class to share. Good items are animal crackers, fruit snacks, pretzels, cheese crackers, graham crackers, cereal, you get the idea. Thanks so much!
Spelling words for next week:
clear deer pair shear steer cat face paint flash brain again outside wanted are
Upcoming events:
Dec. 5 – Food drive begins
Dec. 12 – music program for grades 4 and 5 @ 7:00pm
Dec. 20 – All School sing-a-long @ 2:00pm
Dec. 21-Jan. 3 -Christmas Break
Jan. 4 – school resumes
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