

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Newsletter 12-9-11

        We have just finished our 2 digit regrouping unit in math and now we are starting money.  We are learning how to count coins: pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and half dollars.  Please help your children handle money at home and give them some practice counting change.  Working with real change will help them out a lot!
We have also been working on our illustrations in writing workshop.  We are learning how our illustrations drive our writing and help tell our story.  We are studying illustration styles of illustrators we know to help us with this.  One thing  in particular we are working on is character perspective.  We have learned that characters are shown from the front, back and the side.  Characters also have joints in their arms and legs and when we include them in our illustrations our readers better understand the story we are sharing.
The food drive continues until Friday, December 16.  Our school goal is 1,700 items.  If we reach our goal Mr. Stewart (the fifth grade teacher whose class is sponsoring the food drive) will do something REALLY crazy!  Last year we got to make him into a human ice cream sundae! Send in those items for the food drive!
Our snack cabinet is starting to look bare again.  If you are able, please send in a healthy item for our class to share.  Good items are animal crackers, fruit snacks, pretzels, cheese crackers, graham crackers, cereal, you get the idea.  Thanks so much!

  Spelling words for next week:
chore  dare  fire  more  square  shop  drove  lost  road  soap  girl  how  sports  before

Upcoming events:
Dec.16 – Food drive ends
Dec. 12 – music program for grades 4 and 5 @ 7:00pm
Dec. 20  – All School sing-a-long @ 2:00pm
Dec. 21-Jan. 3 -Christmas Break
Jan. 4 – school resumes

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