

Monday, February 6, 2012

What we have learned about magnets

Magnets are strong.
I learned that magnets stick to iron, steel, and nickel, but not copper.
Magnets can pick up heavy things.
They don't attract all the time.  Like north and north don't attract (they repel).
Some magnets are small and some are big.
I learned that magnets can be in a toy.
When you put 2 magnets together they are stronger than just one.
Magnets can attract through stuff.

Ian is practicing using magnets.

Colten and Ian are testing to see if some
things will stick to magnets.

This is a piece of Magnetite, or Lodestone.
It is a rock that is a magnet.
We also learned that some toys have magnets in them!
Gage brought in his magnetic Operation game.

Breanna is playing with the toy magnet.
Jeb is tossing the rattlesnake eggs.

Kail is using the Magnadoodle.

Ryleigh is using the magnetic marbles.

Lysa is giving the magnetic
teddy game some hair.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the pictures--its so great to "see" what they are doing in class. You are FABULOUS Mrs Hays!
