

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Slice of Life 2012 Challenge

     Each person in our class (including Mrs. Hays) is setting a goal this month to write in their Writer's Notebook daily.  We are writing a "slice of life" each day.  A slice is just a little bit about your life, written down in your notebook.  It can be about something that happened to you during your day, a list of things about you or that are interesting to you, anything you wish!  At the end of the month we will have written a lot about the little things in our lives.  Think of it like a slice of pie.  You don't eat the whole pie, just a piece.  A slice is just one event, or a little piece, about you.
    We will try to post daily some of our slices.  We can't wait to learn more about each other and we hope you can't wait to read our slices!
     Here are some of the ideas we might use.  We are also making our own lists, since each of us is unique and has our own life and experiences.
     More information about the Slice of Life challenge is on Mrs. Ayres'  Two Writing Teachers blog.  We will even be bringing our writing notebooks home so we can write over the weekend, since the challenge is to write EVERYDAY.  We are so excited!  Please encourage us to write a little each day!

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