Thursday, September 27, 2012
Newsletter 9-28-12
Check out the blog for a picture slide show of our Johnny Appleseed Day celebration last week. You can see pictures of all the fun things we participated in and there are lots of adorable kids too!
Thursday, Oct. 4, is Parent Teacher Conference day. If I requested a conference with you, the confirmation form is stapled to the blue paper newsletter that comes home with your child on Friday. We do not have enough time slots to meet with everyone on this day, so we schedule about half of our conferences for this day and the other half will be scheduled for January 22. If you are not scheduled for a conference and would like to meet with me before the next conference day, please drop me a note. I'd be happy to schedule a time to meet with you after school one day soon.
Spelling words for next week:
brain faint snail strain tray hill chin smile bike write played mail rain name
Our spelling tests are on Thursdays.
Upcoming events:
Oct. 4 – Parent Teacher conferences
Oct. 23 – PTO meeting at 5:30pm
Oct. 25-26 – Fall Break / No school
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