Friday, February 8, 2013
Newsletter 2-8-13
We are learning about measurement in math. We will be doing a lot of measuring in the next few weeks. If you happen to have any extra yardsticks or metersticks (you know, sometimes I pick up extra ones that companies use for advertising at the county fair) that you would like to donate to the second grade for our measurement unit, we would greatly appreciate it. We never seem to have enough! On some homework pages, students will be required to use a ruler. I have copied one for them on paper that they may keep in their homework folder to use, in case you happen to need one. Here is another ruler you can print out.
Students are responsible to take at least one AR test a week over an AR book (from our classroom, library, or from home) with a score of 80% or higher. They are welcome to bring books from home to test on if they wish.
Please make sure your child brings winter weather gear to wear at recess. We go out most days. It is really cold out there for them when they have no gloves or hats! They are also welcome to bring boots and snowpants.
Spelling list 18 for test on Feb. 14
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Upcoming events:
Feb. 11 – snow makeup day
Feb. 18 – President's day – no school
Feb. 25 – teacher work day – no students
Feb. 26 – PTO meeting at 5:30pm
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