

Friday, August 30, 2013

Newsletter 8-30-13

     We have been working on how to figure out tricky words in reading workshop.  We don't give up after trying just once.  We try several different strategies.  Never let the word win!

    We took our first math test over addition fact strategies.  We are now working on subtraction fact strategies.

    The class is very excited about this year's PTO fundraiser!  Students are asked to collect the money for the items when they sell the items, not when they deliver.  An envelope is included with the product forms to put the money in and should be turned in with the order forms on Tuesday, September 10.  Parents can pick up the items for delivery on Wednesday, October 9, at the school.  Thanks for supporting our school!

Spelling words for next week:
less  tell  well  will  still  off  letter  little  silly  happy
     This week I will start giving a dictation sentence on the back of the test.  It will include some spelling words from our current list.  One point will be counted for each spelling word and for a capital at the beginning and for an appropriate end mark at the end.
Our spelling tests are on Thursdays.
    Upcoming events:

Sept. 2 – Labor Day, no school
Sept. 5 – Open House 6-7:30pm, also PTO Book Fair
Sept. 10 – fundraiser ends

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Read to someone

 Read to someone is an important part of our day.  

We decided read to someone is good because:
it is fun
you can help your partner if they get stuck
sometimes you can get your work done faster if you work together
we like working with a partner (or partners)

Monday, August 26, 2013

Audiobook training

     One of our activities to choose from during reading workshop is audiobooks.  Each student received audiobook training with a partner to learn how to use the equipment and use their work time wisely.  Wow!  I was so impressed!  They did a super job following procedures and using the technology.


Our notebook decorating party

     We worked hard to gather up pictures of things that remind us of things we could write about.  Then we decorated the covers of our writing notebooks with them!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Newsletter 8-23-13

         We have a class blog at .  I will be posting new things that we are learning in our classroom a few times a week.  I will also post spelling words on the blog (good to know just in case you misplace your list!)  Check it out!  Enter your email address there if you wish email notifications of blog updates.

Please sign up for remind101 for text message reminders.  Instructions are in a previous blog post below.

Spelling words for next week:
sent   puppy   take   candy   didn't   my   like   time   by   went

Our spelling tests are on Thursdays.

Upcoming events:

Aug. 27 – PTO meeting at 5:30pm
Aug. 28 – fundraiser kickoff
Sept. 2 – Labor Day, no school
Sept. 5 – Open House 6-7:30pm, also PTO Book Fair
Sept. 9 – fundraiser ends

Friday, August 23, 2013

Reading takes us places

Where did our reading take us today?
to Dr. Seuss world
to a volcano
to a grocery store
to the desert
weird worlds
to space
to school with Junie B.
to the desert and in space with Skippyjon Jones
with Scooby Doo
to Gotham City
with Spiderman
to Little Bear's house
roller skating with Barbie
to Arthur's house

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Choosing Just Right Books

We've been talking about choosing "just right" books when we are shopping for books to read in the classroom and at the library.  Just right books are:

not too easy and not too hard

looks interesting

I can understand it

use the 5 finger rule (if I find 4, 5 or more words on a page I don't know it is too hard)

Here are some visuals we used to help us.

(too small shirt)
This book is too easy.
I know all the words
and can read it very easily.
I may have read it
LOTS of times already.
I won't challenge myself
as a reader much with
this book.

(fits just right shirt)
This book is "just right"!
I know most of the words.
I may stumble on a few as
I read but I understand
what the book is about.
I am interested in this book!

(too big shirt)
This book is too hard.
I might be interested
in it, but it is too big and has
several words I do not
know (4 or more on a page)
I am not sure I
understood what the
author was telling me
when I got to the bottom
of a page.


Thanks to the eight parents who have signed up for remind101!  I can send them reminders about important things happening here at school in our classroom, like our individual pictures, that are on Thursday.  If you want text message reminders too, just follow the directions below to sign up for this great service.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Readers build stamina

Readers work on building their stamina.  Stamina is doing anything for a long period of time without getting tired or giving up.  Look at us building our stamina!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Newsletter 8-16-13

    We've had a great first week!  We are learning about how Reading and Writing Workshop flows and works in our classroom.  In math we are working on addition facts.
    We have a class blog at .  I hope to post new things about what we are learning in our classroom a few times a week.  I will also post spelling words there.  Check it out!  Enter your email address there if you wish email notifications of blog updates.   I do not have updated Media Release forms for each student so if you received one (it's a yellow form) earlier this week, please sign and return it.  If you have any questions regarding this, please email me at
    We don't eat lunch until 11:55a.m. - that's much later than when your child was in first grade.  They often get hungry in the morning and love a small snack.  If you are able and haven't already
, please send in a snack for the class snack cabinet for us to share.  Healthy, economical items like crackers, cereal, and pretzels are excellent.  FYI - We do have a peanut allergy in our class.  Your kids thank you!
    Please check the back of this newsletter for information about the Remind101 text reminder service.  Sign up if you'd like text message reminders about important classroom news and events!

Spelling words for next week:
send, back, end, both, fast, last, must, just, bath, black
Our spelling tests are on Thursdays.
    Upcoming events:
Aug. 22 – Individual student pictures

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Our first day

     We did a scavenger hunt to meet new friends in our class.  It was lots of fun.  We read lots of books.   Mrs. Hays did not give us homework, but sent some home for our parents! :)