

Friday, August 30, 2013

Newsletter 8-30-13

     We have been working on how to figure out tricky words in reading workshop.  We don't give up after trying just once.  We try several different strategies.  Never let the word win!

    We took our first math test over addition fact strategies.  We are now working on subtraction fact strategies.

    The class is very excited about this year's PTO fundraiser!  Students are asked to collect the money for the items when they sell the items, not when they deliver.  An envelope is included with the product forms to put the money in and should be turned in with the order forms on Tuesday, September 10.  Parents can pick up the items for delivery on Wednesday, October 9, at the school.  Thanks for supporting our school!

Spelling words for next week:
less  tell  well  will  still  off  letter  little  silly  happy
     This week I will start giving a dictation sentence on the back of the test.  It will include some spelling words from our current list.  One point will be counted for each spelling word and for a capital at the beginning and for an appropriate end mark at the end.
Our spelling tests are on Thursdays.
    Upcoming events:

Sept. 2 – Labor Day, no school
Sept. 5 – Open House 6-7:30pm, also PTO Book Fair
Sept. 10 – fundraiser ends

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