

Friday, September 27, 2013

Newsletter 9-27-13

     Thursday, Oct. 3, is Parent Teacher Conference day.  .  We do not have enough time slots to meet with everyone on this day, so I schedule about half of our conferences for this day and the other half will be scheduled for January 16 .  If you are not scheduled for a conference and would like to meet with me before the next conference day, please drop me a note.  I'd be happy to schedule a time to meet with you after school one day soon.

    Please return permission slips and $2 for Koinonia as soon as you can.  I still have a few slots open for chaperones to come along.  There is no cost for chaperones except for bringing your own lunch.  If you wish to join us you must email me at or send in a note.

Spelling words for next week: List 4
brain   faint   snail   strain   tray   hill   chin   smile   bike   write   played   mail   rain   name

Our spelling tests are on Thursdays.
Upcoming events:

Oct. 3 – Parent Teacher Conferences 3:15-7:00
Oct. 21 – PTO meeting 5:30
Oct. 24-25 – Fall Break

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