

Friday, March 14, 2014

Newsletter 3-14-14

     We really need some new items for the second grade auction basket for the Spring Carnival.  Our theme is Beach Basket.  Please send in any new items, big or small, to help fill up our basket for this worthwhile PTO fundraiser.

    We could use some more snacks for our snack cabinet.  Thanks in advance for any healthy snacks you are able to send!

        Please make sure children have warm coats, hats, and gloves each day for school.  Snow pants and boots are nice, but at the very least they need hats, coats, and gloves for recess each day.  We closely monitor the weather and make a decision right before recess if we will be going out or staying in.  Please make sure your child is prepared either way.

    We are still working on telling time in math.  Please talk about both time and money in daily situations where they come up.  That is the best way to make learning meaningful!

Spelling list 22
knee  knight   wrap   wreath   written   part   care   hair   shark   heart   writing   it's   saw   skate

    Upcoming events:
March 21 – school carnival
March 24 – snow makeup day – school is in session!
March 24 – PTO meeting at 5:30
April 4 – Beach Day
April 7-11- Spring Break

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