

Friday, May 30, 2014

Newsletter 5-30-14

      We had a great field trip to Healthworks on Tuesday.  Please go to the class blog to see the slide show of our visit!

Thanks to all who were able to attend Family Picnic Day on Thursday.  It was a fun day for all!

No Spelling list for next week!
We are playing review sparkle every day to practice all of our spelling words we have had this year.  We will not be taking any more tests.

We are also continuing to do math facts in class as some students are working really hard to reach the next level before the end of the year.  No homework from here on out.

Upcoming events:
June 3 – Talent Show 1:15-2:45
June 4 – last student day
-9:15-10:00 Awards program in gym (This program is mostly for the older kids.  I doubt any of our class will be receiving awards at that time.  Directly following, we will be doing some classroom awards in our  room.  Everyone will be receiving an award at that time.  You are welcome to attend.)

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Monday, May 26, 2014

Newsletter 5-23-14

       We will go on our field trip to Healthworks Tuesday, May 27.  Please send a disposable sack lunch that day.

We released our butterflies!  Pictures can be viewed on the blog.  I also put together a slide show of pictures from our FFA field trip a few weeks ago.  Go check it out!

No Spelling list for next week!
We are playing review sparkle every day to practice all of our spelling words we have had this year.  We will not be taking any more tests.

Upcoming events:
May 26- Memorial Day – no school
May 29 – Family Picnic Day at lunchtime
June 3 – Talent Show 1:15-2:45
June 4 – last student day
-9:00-10:00 Awards program in gym (This
program is mostly for the older kids.  I doubt any
of our class will be receiving awards.)

Monday, May 19, 2014

Butterfly release day

Today we let our butterflies fly and be free!  It is always a bittersweet day.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Newsletter 5-16-14

    Our field trip to Healthworks was cancelled due to the power outage in South Bend.  We hope to reschedule it and will be attempting to do so next week.  We will keep you posted.

    We have been working on a research project in writing workshop.  Each student chose a nonfiction book in the library to use for their project.  We learned how to read a book and take notes on notecards in our own words, not copying from the book.  We then chose to make a poster or a book to share our learning. We shared them with our warrior buddies and then students brought them home.  They worked really hard on these.  Please sit down with them and ask them to share it with you.

    We are all out of snacks.  If you would like to send something in to share, we'd love it!

    Please wear outside shoes for P.E. (no flip flops, sandals, or dressy shoes) on Wednesday and Friday.  We are now going outside for P.E. on those days and we don't want to have to wear our inside gym shoes and get them dirty.

    We have nearly 2 dozen butterflies!

Spelling list
drier   funniest   happier   sunniest   windier   soon   foot   good   noon   would   what   were   two   trip
    Upcoming events:
May 19 – PTO meeting 5:30 pm
May 26- Memorial Day – no school
May 29 – Family Picnic Day at lunchtime
June 3 – Talent Show 1:15-2:45
June 4 – last student day
    -9:00-10:00 Awards program in gym (This
     program is mostly for the older kids.  I doubt any
     of our class will be receiving awards.)

Crazy hair!

Today is our walk-a-thon and our class theme is crazy hair day.  Here we are in all our craziness!


Our field trip to Healthworks is cancelled due to the power outage in South Bend.  We are hoping to reschedule.  More news later.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Newsletter 5-9-14

        Our field trip to the high school for the Food for America program was lots of fun!  We saw farm animals and got to see where our food comes from.  Ask your child all about it!

Next Friday is our trip to Healthworks.  Please send a disposable sack lunch and drink with your child.

We are all out of snacks.  If you would like to send something in to share, we'd love it!

Please wear outside shoes for P.E. (no flip flops, sandals, or dressy shoes) on Wednesday and Friday.  We are now going outside for P.E. on those days and we don't want to have to wear our inside gym shoes and get them dirty.

We are expecting butterflies any day!

Spelling list
carried   dreamed   dried   melted   talked   saw   claw   paw   fault   taught   car   caught   because   wanted

Upcoming events:
May 16 – Healthworks field trip
May 19 – PTO meeting 5:30 pm
May 26- Memorial Day – no school
May 29 – Family Picnic Day at lunchtime
June 3 – Talent Show 1:15-2:45
June 4 – last student day
-9:00-10:00 Awards program in gym (This program is mostly for the older kids.  I doubt any of of class will be receiving awards.)

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Research Projects

  We are working on research projects in class.  We each chose a nonfiction book from the library to use as our resource.  We read our resource and took notes on notecards of new things we learned, things that were interesting, or things we wanted to teach our readers.  Most of us chose to make posters to share our learning.  Some chose to make books.  Here are some pictures of us working on our final projects.  We can't wait to share them with our classmates!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Newsletter 5-2-14

        Please return the field trip permission trip forms (there are 2 and they are on both sides of one paper) as soon as possible.  There is no cost for either trip, but all students and chaperones need to bring a disposable sack lunch to the Healthworks field trip.

Please wear outside shoes for P.E. (no flip flops, sandals, or dressy shoes) on Wednesday and Friday.  We are now going outside for P.E. on those days and we don't want to have to wear our inside gym shoes and get them dirty.

Visit the blog for periodic updates about our caterpillars.  We have some chrysalises, which is the next phase of the caterpillar's life.  Ask your child to tell you what they've learned about it!

Spelling list 28
babies   candies   cherries   flies   supplies   point   toy   coin   joy   oil   have   boy   where   to         too (also)

Upcoming events:
May 8 – kindergarten round up 6:30-7:30
May 9 -  FFA trip to WHS (only 1 hour long, no chaperones needed)
May 16 – Healthworks field trip
May 19 – PTO meeting 5:30 pm
May 26- Memorial Day – no school
June 4 – last student day

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Caterpillar update

We started seeing a few chrysalises today!  A chrysalis is the pupa phase, which comes after the caterpillar phase and before the butterfly phase.  If you know where to look, you can see the wings, the abdomen, the head, the antennae, and the proboscis.  Ask your child to point them out for you!