

Friday, May 16, 2014

Newsletter 5-16-14

    Our field trip to Healthworks was cancelled due to the power outage in South Bend.  We hope to reschedule it and will be attempting to do so next week.  We will keep you posted.

    We have been working on a research project in writing workshop.  Each student chose a nonfiction book in the library to use for their project.  We learned how to read a book and take notes on notecards in our own words, not copying from the book.  We then chose to make a poster or a book to share our learning. We shared them with our warrior buddies and then students brought them home.  They worked really hard on these.  Please sit down with them and ask them to share it with you.

    We are all out of snacks.  If you would like to send something in to share, we'd love it!

    Please wear outside shoes for P.E. (no flip flops, sandals, or dressy shoes) on Wednesday and Friday.  We are now going outside for P.E. on those days and we don't want to have to wear our inside gym shoes and get them dirty.

    We have nearly 2 dozen butterflies!

Spelling list
drier   funniest   happier   sunniest   windier   soon   foot   good   noon   would   what   were   two   trip
    Upcoming events:
May 19 – PTO meeting 5:30 pm
May 26- Memorial Day – no school
May 29 – Family Picnic Day at lunchtime
June 3 – Talent Show 1:15-2:45
June 4 – last student day
    -9:00-10:00 Awards program in gym (This
     program is mostly for the older kids.  I doubt any
     of our class will be receiving awards.)

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