Wawasee Comm. Schools 2015-2016 calendar
Wawasee Community Schools District Webpage
Syracuse Elementary Calendar 2015-2016

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The mission of the Wawasee Community School Corporation
is to develop the academic, social, and artistic skills
of students so that they will be productive, responsible citizens.
contact info
Mrs. Julie Hays
Lunch Money
Regular price $1.70 per day
With our debit card system, lunch money should be paid in advance. Please send your child’s lunch money in a school envelope completely filled out with your child’s name, student number, the amount paid, and the teacher name. Please do not send in loose money to go in lunch accounts. Extra money can be brought for a la carte items or money from their account can be used.
We eat lunch at 11:55 each day. You are always welcome to come and eat lunch with your child. The Cafeteria requests that you not bring in outside restaurant food to eat in our cafeteria, but you may sign your child out at the window for lunch, and bring them back for class by 12:30.
We occasionally have snack time in the morning because our lunch is rather late. We welcome healthy snacks from you to share with the entire class. As our snack cabinet supply runs low we will ask for more contributions through the weekly newsletter. Some suggestions are: pretzels, popcorn, crackers, cereal, etc.
Birthdays & Parties
Although we do not have birthday parties at school, children are welcome to bring a simple treat to celebrate their birthday. We usually have treats in the morning at our snack time, around 10:30. Since we have carpet there is no red punch or juice allowed. Please keep that in mind when packing lunches or sending in drinks for treats.
If you are having a party at home, children will not be allowed to pass out invitations at school unless all children of the same gender are invited. PLEASE do not put me in an awkward situation regarding who gets invited to parties and who does not. Children get their feelings hurt easily in these situations.
Special Classes
Monday afternoon – P.E.
Tuesday afternoon - Art
Wednesday afternoon —P.E.
Thursday afternoon - Music
Friday afternoon—Art
Your child will need tennis shoes for inside gym class. They need not be new but they must be clean. Please write their initials on them with a Sharpie marker. We will store them in our classroom for use throughout the year.
Because students often go outside for gym when the weather is suitable, students should wear outside tennis shoes from home on P.E. days. They cannot run and participate well in P.E. if they are wearing sandals, flip flops, boots, or dress shoes. Also, girls should wear shorts under dresses or skirts on P.E. days.
Our basic schedule -
Reading workshop
Math lesson
Lunch and recess
Writing workshop
Content areas
Special classes
Afternoon recess
Our class will go to the library to check out books each week. Students should make sure to have their books here on that day so they can get new ones to read at home and during class time. Students are encouraged to bring their library books home to read. We also need them here at school every day to read.
Our library day is Tuesday .
Please dress your child according to the weather. We go outside for recess whenever possible. We make a great effort to have all students go to recess because everyone needs fresh air. It is our school wide policy that students must have Doctor’s note to be excused from recess. We will stay inside for recess if the temperature is below 20°. Please be prepared to go outside each day.
Report Cards and Conferences
Students will receive report cards three times a year. There are two scheduled conference dates per year and I plan on meeting with you on one of those. I may also contact you at other times if I feel a conference is necessary. If you wish to have a conference please feel free to contact me at any time during the year to schedule one and I will be happy to meet with you. Students are expected to do their personal best and are encouraged to strive for quality.
Book orders
Occasionally students may bring home order forms for books. Although this is an inexpensive way to build a home library, please do not feel obligated to order. If you would like to order, please make the check payable to Syracuse Elementary.
50 yellow real wood pencils (#2)
1 box Ziploc bags, any size
2 boxes Kleenex
1 box colored pencils (at least 12)
1 box crayons (at least 24)
10 glue sticks (must dry clear)
1 red pocket folder, durable plastic
1 blue pocket folder, durable plastic
1 book bag with name inside (to carry books and papers daily)
Gym shoes (need not be new, just washed and clean with name inside)
Scissors, preferably Fiskars brand
1 small school box
2 large pink erasers (not cap erasers)
1 wide ruled composition book (9.75” x 7.5” with sewn binding)
1 pkg BLACK Dry erase markers (please no colors)
a bag or two of healthy snacks to share with the class
Please NO glue bottles, trapper keepers or binders, water bottles, or pencil sharpeners. Desk space is limited! Also don’t bring a separate box for Art supplies. One box will work for both the classroom and the art room.
If you need to take your child out of school for an appointment, you will need to stop at the office and sign your child out. The office will then send for him/her.
Absences and Tardies
In second grade, some of the work is done together and it is difficult to make up some of the missed work. That makes attendance very important. In the event that your child is absent, a note with the specific reason of absence including dates is required when he/she returns. If they go to the doctor, please bring an excuse note from the doctor’s office.
Students are expected to be in the classroom by 8:25 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. School starts 30 min. later on Wednesday mornings. Students who arrive after 8:30 (9:00 on Wed.) will be required to have a tardy slip from the office window in the foyer. Tardies count toward attendance totals.
If your child is running a fever or has vomited before school, please keep him/her at home.
Please alert the teacher to any problems that may have an effect on your child’s learning, behavior, or attention span. If your child is on medication, please let the teacher and nurse know. If medication needs to be administered at school, the medication will be kept in the office and the child will be sent there at the appropriate time.
Emergency Info
Please keep work numbers, home and cell numbers, and emergency numbers current with the school throughout the year. It is important in case it becomes necessary to contact you.
Box tops
Please save General Mills Box Tops for Education. Our PTO redeems them for money to use for the school and students.
Your child MUST BRING A DATED WRITTEN NOTE if he/she will be going home with anyone different than his/her usual transportation after school. Please make sure your child knows what the after school plan is before they leave for school in the morning.
Homework folders will come home every day from school and must be returned the next school day. Homework will be in the return to school side and must be completed and returned in the folder each day. Your child will usually have homework Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday nights. I don’t assign homework on Wednesday so you can practice for the spelling test on Thursday. Please get into the habit of asking them nightly if they have any. I will always tell your child when the homework is due; math is usually due the next school day, Check homework over with them (Help on homework is expected! Homework is extra practice.)
Please sign your initials at the top so I know you have seen and checked it. Have your child correct it after you have checked it. Please help your child develop the habit of doing their homework each night and bringing it back the following day.
It is very important for your child to be practicing their addition and subtraction facts daily. It is essential for your child to know their facts to be successful in our math program.
Your child should be reading daily. I am a firm believer that your child can become a better reader by reading regularly. Good readers are people who read frequently. Help to give your child a good start in life by reading to them and with them regularly.
BOA Bucks
Boa bucks is designed to promote great Behavior, great Organization, and great Attitudes. Each Monday, the banker will hand out $5 “starting cash” to each student. It is your responsibility to keep track of your money. It should be taken care of very carefully. There are many ways that you can earn extra money, have to pay fines, or to spend your money. If you do not have money to pay a fine, the amount owed will be deducted from your next week’s “starting cash”. The money that you have saved can be used to buy special privileges (ex. Lunch in classroom, extra free time, etc.) or special items (homework pass, pencils, books, treats, etc.) at designated times.
Ways to earn extra money:
· random desk neatness checks
· Caught in an act of kindness
· Making good choices
· Various teacher assigned incentives
Ways to be fined:
· leaving your chair down or a mess under your desk at the end of the day
· Hallway, restroom, and class disruptions
· Homework not completed
· Disrespect shown to any adult
- Lack of self-control (fighting, name calling, etc.
Writing workshop
Content areas
Special classes
Afternoon recess
Our class will go to the library to check out books each week. Students should make sure to have their books here on that day so they can get new ones to read at home and during class time. Students are encouraged to bring their library books home to read. We also need them here at school every day to read.
Our library day is Tuesday .
Please dress your child according to the weather. We go outside for recess whenever possible. We make a great effort to have all students go to recess because everyone needs fresh air. It is our school wide policy that students must have Doctor’s note to be excused from recess. We will stay inside for recess if the temperature is below 20°. Please be prepared to go outside each day.
Report Cards and Conferences
Students will receive report cards three times a year. There are two scheduled conference dates per year and I plan on meeting with you on one of those. I may also contact you at other times if I feel a conference is necessary. If you wish to have a conference please feel free to contact me at any time during the year to schedule one and I will be happy to meet with you. Students are expected to do their personal best and are encouraged to strive for quality.
Book orders
Occasionally students may bring home order forms for books. Although this is an inexpensive way to build a home library, please do not feel obligated to order. If you would like to order, please make the check payable to Syracuse Elementary.
50 yellow real wood pencils (#2)
1 box Ziploc bags, any size
2 boxes Kleenex
1 box colored pencils (at least 12)
1 box crayons (at least 24)
10 glue sticks (must dry clear)
1 red pocket folder, durable plastic
1 blue pocket folder, durable plastic
1 book bag with name inside (to carry books and papers daily)
Gym shoes (need not be new, just washed and clean with name inside)
Scissors, preferably Fiskars brand
1 small school box
2 large pink erasers (not cap erasers)
1 wide ruled composition book (9.75” x 7.5” with sewn binding)
1 pkg BLACK Dry erase markers (please no colors)
a bag or two of healthy snacks to share with the class
Please NO glue bottles, trapper keepers or binders, water bottles, or pencil sharpeners. Desk space is limited! Also don’t bring a separate box for Art supplies. One box will work for both the classroom and the art room.
If you need to take your child out of school for an appointment, you will need to stop at the office and sign your child out. The office will then send for him/her.
Absences and Tardies
In second grade, some of the work is done together and it is difficult to make up some of the missed work. That makes attendance very important. In the event that your child is absent, a note with the specific reason of absence including dates is required when he/she returns. If they go to the doctor, please bring an excuse note from the doctor’s office.
Students are expected to be in the classroom by 8:25 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. School starts 30 min. later on Wednesday mornings. Students who arrive after 8:30 (9:00 on Wed.) will be required to have a tardy slip from the office window in the foyer. Tardies count toward attendance totals.
If your child is running a fever or has vomited before school, please keep him/her at home.
Please alert the teacher to any problems that may have an effect on your child’s learning, behavior, or attention span. If your child is on medication, please let the teacher and nurse know. If medication needs to be administered at school, the medication will be kept in the office and the child will be sent there at the appropriate time.
Emergency Info
Please keep work numbers, home and cell numbers, and emergency numbers current with the school throughout the year. It is important in case it becomes necessary to contact you.
Box tops
Please save General Mills Box Tops for Education. Our PTO redeems them for money to use for the school and students.
Your child MUST BRING A DATED WRITTEN NOTE if he/she will be going home with anyone different than his/her usual transportation after school. Please make sure your child knows what the after school plan is before they leave for school in the morning.
Homework folders will come home every day from school and must be returned the next school day. Homework will be in the return to school side and must be completed and returned in the folder each day. Your child will usually have homework Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday nights. I don’t assign homework on Wednesday so you can practice for the spelling test on Thursday. Please get into the habit of asking them nightly if they have any. I will always tell your child when the homework is due; math is usually due the next school day, Check homework over with them (Help on homework is expected! Homework is extra practice.)
Please sign your initials at the top so I know you have seen and checked it. Have your child correct it after you have checked it. Please help your child develop the habit of doing their homework each night and bringing it back the following day.
It is very important for your child to be practicing their addition and subtraction facts daily. It is essential for your child to know their facts to be successful in our math program.
Your child should be reading daily. I am a firm believer that your child can become a better reader by reading regularly. Good readers are people who read frequently. Help to give your child a good start in life by reading to them and with them regularly.
BOA Bucks
Boa bucks is designed to promote great Behavior, great Organization, and great Attitudes. Each Monday, the banker will hand out $5 “starting cash” to each student. It is your responsibility to keep track of your money. It should be taken care of very carefully. There are many ways that you can earn extra money, have to pay fines, or to spend your money. If you do not have money to pay a fine, the amount owed will be deducted from your next week’s “starting cash”. The money that you have saved can be used to buy special privileges (ex. Lunch in classroom, extra free time, etc.) or special items (homework pass, pencils, books, treats, etc.) at designated times.
Ways to earn extra money:
· random desk neatness checks
· Caught in an act of kindness
· Making good choices
· Various teacher assigned incentives
Ways to be fined:
· leaving your chair down or a mess under your desk at the end of the day
· Hallway, restroom, and class disruptions
· Homework not completed
· Disrespect shown to any adult
- Lack of self-control (fighting, name calling, etc.