

Monday, September 19, 2011

Field trip to Koinonia

     Our first field trip of the year will be on Tuesday, October 4. We will be going to Koinonia Environmental and Retreat Center south of Pierceton. We will spend the whole day there and have a picnic lunch (you will bring your own disposable lunch) and roast marshmallows (I will provide these). We will spend a majority of the day outside learning about nature and doing some hiking as well.  Please send an note or email me if you wish to come along.  Parents, grandparents or other adult family members are welcome to join us. Please let me know as soon as possible if you can join us for the day.  Some chaperones may need to drive due to limited seating space on the buses. Student cost is $2, adults are free.  Permission slips for this trip came home Friday.  Please return these as soon as possible.

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