

Friday, September 16, 2011


This week we have continued working on listening to our thinking voice when we have been reading.  We have been making connections with the text to help our learning.
We finished our addition strategies topic in math and took a test on it.  We did a fabulous job!  I am so proud of their hard work!
We have been working more on what to do when you don't know how to spell a word in writing.  We have several strategies to use and places to look when we need help.

Spelling words for next week:
chart, sky, I, truck, graph, phone, thick, 
drill, bride, our, tree, trash, sister, smile

Upcoming events:

Friday, Sept. 23 is Johnny Appleseed Day.  Please send in $1 to help defray expenses.

Sept. 25 PTO meeting at 5:30

Sept. 29 Individual pictures.  The form came home earlier this week.  Please return anytime and I'll hang on to it until picture day.

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