Our snack cabinet is empty. If you are able, please send in some healthy snacks to share with the class. Cereal, crackers, cheese sticks, pretzels, and the like would be great. Thanks!
We had a great time at Johnny Appleseed day today! We rotated between the four second grade classrooms and did a different activity in each one. In Mrs. Keim's class we made apple dumplings. We played an apple game on the smart board in Mr. Lucas' class. Apple painting was fun with Mrs. Dawes. Johnny Appleseed visited with Mrs. Hays' in the courtyard and showed us how to make apple cider with an antique cider press. It was a super afternoon!
If your child brought home a conference form, please return it right away. Parent teacher conferences will be Oct. 2. I will send a confirmation slip back to you after I get them scheduled. I will not be meeting with all parents at this time. If I don't meet with you on this round, I will meet with you in January. As always, if you would like to meet with me, I will be happy to schedule a time for you. Just send in a note and I will get back to you.
Spelling words for next week- List 4:
brain faint snail strain tray hill chin smile bike write played mail rain name
Our spelling tests are on Thursdays.
Upcoming events:
Oct. 2 – Parent Teacher conferences (round 1) 3:15-7pm
-Title One activity at 5:30 in the Happy Place
Oct. 8 – fundraiser delivery 3:15-6pm in gym
Oct. 16 – Zoo night 6:30-7:30 in gym
Oct. 20 – PTO meeting 5:30 in Happy Place
Oct. 23-24 – Fall Break – no school
Nov. 6 – end of first trimester
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