Author, Julia Cook, will be visiting our students Monday, Feb. 2. She will be here in the evening at 6:00pm also if you would like to attend with your family.
Our snack cabinet is low. If you are able, the class would enjoy some healthy snacks to share. Crackers, cereal, etc. are great. Thanks!
Spelling words for this week- List 17
advice mice price slice twice stock froze coal show grow could pretty off one
Upcoming events:
Feb. 6
Donuts with Dads will be rescheduled in March.
Feb. 16 – President's Day, No school
Feb 19 – Science Central Night 6-7:30 in the gym
Science Fair open house– 6-7:30 gym upper deck
Feb. 20 – end of trimester 2
Feb. 23 – school in session due to previous snow day
- PTO meeting – 5:30pm in Happy Place
Feb. 24 – Teacher work day – No students